
Distribution of innovative medical products

Glorincor together with Rusvata LLC solves the problem of the availability of modern dressing materials. Bleached medical gauze made of non-woven material is a product created using advanced technology that can significantly improve the quality characteristics of the dressing material. Due to its high barrier characteristics, and the absence of peeling edges, non-woven gauze is considered an ideal material for medical dressings, which are widely used in developed countries such as Japan, Germany, and the USA.
Based on the results of clinical studies, technical trials and practical application, medical gauze bleached from non-woven material manufactured by Rusvata LLC was highly appreciated by leading domestic clinics, where the following characteristics were noted: saving woven gauze by 2 times, saving time for making dressings by 6 times, protecting the epithelium from mechanical damage during scar formation , convenience when used by medical personnel. The modern material is soft, hydrophilic and natural, providing patient comfort.